UNC Greensboro

Life of Service

Jorge has always been drawn to service. He has always valued giving back to his community. So when looking at attending the University of North Carolina Greensboro he happened upon the webpage for the Center for New North Carolinians. He saw that they had an AmeriCorps program, a network of … Continued

Make an Impact

AmeriCorps members are a vital part of the CNNC’s Thriving at Three program. Thriving at Three’s purpose is to assure that Latino immigrant children in Greensboro have a positive and strong foundation from birth to age three. Thriving at Three program director, Krycya Flores says, “Without AmeriCorps members TAT would … Continued

Looking for…Books for Tots!

The Thriving at Three program is requesting your help! We need books, books, books, and more books for new readers from birth to kindergarten ages.  Both new and gently used books are welcome! These books will be distributed to our program’s forty children on a weekly basis. Each child will be … Continued

AmeriCorps: Then and Now

This week is AmeriCorps Week. It’s the time to show your AmeriCorps spirit and passion for national service – an opportunity to celebrate, recognize, and appreciate members, programs and organizations that make the national initiative successful. As we celebrate AmeriCorps Week here at the CNNC, we look back almost 25 years … Continued

“Serving is beyond feeling good, it’s a way of life.”

Meet Ghaisha, AmeriCorps member extraordinaire. Full of passion and purpose, she loves AmeriCorps. “Serving is beyond feeling good,” she says, “It’s a way of life.” In her third year with AmeriCorps ACCESS, Ghaisha helps newcomers find jobs. She has built good relationships with many employers in the area and these … Continued

Make a Difference!

Find out why AmeriCorps and the AmeriCorps ACCESS Project are a great way to spend a year! Serve your community Make a difference Gain experience Get professional development Earn an education award And so much more…   Members featured: Maha Elobeid (CNNC), Edith Walson (Ashton Woods Community Center), Sydney Gouani … Continued

Now Accepting Applications!

AmeriCorps and ACCESS Logo

Every year, thousands of people join the ranks of national service through participation in programs like AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps is a national community service program that allows participants to serve their communities through different program opportunities. The AmeriCorps ACCESS Project is one of those programs. It focuses on the needs of … Continued