Meet Ghaisha, AmeriCorps member extraordinaire. Full of passion and purpose, she loves AmeriCorps.
“Serving is beyond feeling good,” she says, “It’s a way of life.”
In her third year with AmeriCorps ACCESS, Ghaisha helps newcomers find jobs. She has built good relationships with many employers in the area and these companies love the strong work ethic refugees and immigrants bring.
Before the employment offer, Ghaisha’s clients learn how to put together a resume, fill out an employment application and dress for an interview. Things are different here than in her client’s home countries. She understands and respects this.
“Everything in life is challenging, right? I break things down and help the clients understand how America works.”
As an AmeriCorps member, she serves the community, building bridges. Once her clients are hired, she helps them learn how to fill out the paperwork.
“I never do it for them, they have to learn what to put in each box on the employment forms. They must do it by themselves. That gives them dignity.”
Every day, through AmeriCorps, she makes a difference, helping newcomers find their place. Whether the client has a complicated problem or a simple cultural misunderstanding, she never gives up. She is the cultural broker, good neighbor, wise sage, and kind spirit.
“At the end of the day, it feels so great. I made a difference. And AmeriCorps made it possible.”
AmeriCorps is worthy of our support. It changes lives. Ghaisha is one shining example of the many AmeriCorps members who reach out and make our country better.
Apply now to become an AmeriCorps ACCESS Member, like Ghaisha for the 2018-2019 program year.
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