Now Accepting Applications!

Posted on June 30, 2016

AmeriCorps and ACCESS Logo

Every year, thousands of people join the ranks of national service through participation in programs like AmeriCorps. AmeriCorps is a national community service program that allows participants to serve their communities through different program opportunities. The AmeriCorps ACCESS Project is one of those programs. It focuses on the needs of the immigrant and refugee communities. ACCESS members are placed with different partner agencies – local nonprofit organizations that agree to host and provide day-to-day supervision to members – where they will complete their service hours.

The ACCESS Project is currently recruiting members for the 2016-17 service year. Participants who are accepted into the program commit to one-year of service in one of three different positions:  full-time, part-time, and quarter-time.

So how do you benefit? AmeriCorps members gain knowledge, skills and first hand experience by providing direct services to immigrant and refugee clients at their sites. Members are provided with training both through the ACCESS Project and through the partner agencies where they are placed. In addition to the invaluable experience, full-time and part-time members are eligible for a small monthly stipend. All members are eligible for an education award upon successful completion of the program.

To learn more about the ACCESS Project, please visit:

Interested in applying? Want to see what positions are available? Please visit Apply to Be a Member.

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