Research News
UNCG Research congratulates Dr. Raleigh Bailey, the director of the Center for New North Carolinians, on receiving continuing funding for two projects from the United Way.
“Thriving at Three 2012-13” received funding in the amount of $99,000. This direct service intervention strategy helps at-risk Hispanic children develop their full potential from the earliest possible age (0-3 years). Project members work with children and parents in their homes to assist with parenting strategies, ensure early detection of mental health risks, and provide parents appropriate referrals to support their children’s needs.
“Newcomers CLASS (Culture, Language and Adult Self-Sufficiency)” received $21,000 in continued funding. Immigrant and refugee newcomers to Greensboro struggle with language, transportation, and isolation; they lack cultural brokers and knowledge about American education and cultural activities. The Newcomers CLASS program helps this population manage the difficult transition and begin the cultural integration process by teaching English, providing job readiness skills, and tutoring children. Program methods include adult ESOL classes, ESOL tutoring, and case management.