UNC Greensboro

Stitching Together Hope

“I’ve been sewing since I was a child— I would go to the bus stop wearing a dress I had made from a curtain. Sewing is something I’ve always done.” Tawanna Williams Maryland sits in front of a sewing machine as she speaks, guiding a thread through a tiny needle. … Continued

What Does Giving Back Mean to You?

“I’m not sure I can do this, I don’t speak English very well.” Khadiga was very anxious. This would be her first job interview in her new home and she was still learning English. She had submitted the application to work at the local packaging company just a week before … Continued

What does citizenship mean to you?

What does citizenship mean to you? To Mon Pati, becoming a U.S. citizen is not only the next step in her immigration process, but it means the world to her. Imagine having your citizenship taken away. Mon doesn’t have to. Mon’s citizenship in her home country of Bhutan was revoked … Continued

CNNC & Project Effort


The Center for New North Carolinians just recently wrapped another Project Effort week and it was a great success! Project Effort is a summer youth program that encourages kids to stay active while giving 100% at all times. The CNNC collaborates with Greensboro United Soccer and the UNC Greensboro Kinesiology … Continued

Security Measures Already in Place for Refugees Resettling in the U.S.

Syrian refugees

Amidst the tragic events occurring in Paris and beyond, our society has responded with knee-jerk reactions that don’t fully consider the processes put in place to protect U.S. citizens while showing compassion to the world’s most vulnerable populations. CNNC Research fellows want to ensure that our community has access to … Continued