The Thriving at Three (TAT) program of the Center for New North Carolinians is looking for interns for the 2017-2018 year. TAT interns will have the opportunity to train, practice, and gain a skill set in the following areas:
- Family Systems Theory
- Unconditional Positive Regard
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Behavioral Modification Strategies
- Strength Based Perspective
- Nurturing Parenting Skills Curriculum
- Beautiful Beginnings Curriculum
- The Developmental Stages and Milestones of Infants and Toddlers
- Goal Setting and Documentation
- Individualized Progress Planning
- Assessment Skills
- Group Facilitation
- Grant/Mid-Year Writing/Reporting
Intern applications welcome from any major. Bilingual (Spanish) a plus.
If you would like to be an intern like Jennifer Garcia (2016-17 UNCG-BSW), pictured above, or you want more information about interning with TAT, please contact Krycya Flores, TAT Coordinator, at 336.256.1066 or [email protected].