CNNC receives AmeriCorps funding for 2012-2013 – Research News

Posted on October 25, 2012

Research News

Raleigh Bailey, Director, CNNC

UNCG Research congratulates Dr. Raleigh Bailey, director of the Center for New North Carolinians (CNNC), on receiving $462,455 in funding for the “AmerCorp Access 2012-2013” project.

With the continuing award from the NC Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service, the CNNC will help immigrants gain access to human services, build bridges with mainstream society, and move towards acculturation, which leads to self-sufficiency.

The funding covers:

1. provision of English as a Second Language, citizenship education, social services, case management, disaster preparedness, and related services for immigrants and refugees, with the aim of developing greater self-sufficiency,

2. leadership development training for AmeriCorps staff, and

3. community development training for community and faith-based partner organizations to help them achieve sustainability.


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