Greetings Friend of CNNC,
2017 has been a year of change. From the federal level down to the local level, these changes affect the way we do our work.
Changes to the national refugee resettlement process have greatly affected the clients we serve, their family members overseas, and our partner organizations. Changes to DACA and broader immigration policies have affected the stability and well-being of countless local families. These changes have left members of our community living day to day with uncertaintity about their futures.
Change, however, is not always bad. Here at the CNNC we experienced much change this year.
2017 brought us 3 new full-time staff members, 2 new part-time staff members, and dozens of new AmeriCorps members and student interns. While our work to ensure newcomers have access to basic services and integrate successfully into our communities is never done, we continue our work with a renewed focus, enthusiasm, and vigor.
Thanks to you, the CNNC has served over 2,100 immigrants and refugees this year.
- Over 150 immigrant and refugee youth are getting caught up, and excelling in school with help of the tutoring centers at Glen Haven, Legacy Crossing, and Oakwood Forest.
- Over 750 newcomers now have health insurance and/or have connected with primary care clinics thanks to our Immigrant Health ACCESS Project.
- We have recruited 36 selfless individuals willing to serve immigrant and refugee serving agencies for a year as AmeriCorps ACCESS members.
- 40 Latino families are receiving intensive education and case management so that their children will be ready for kindergarten through our Thriving at Three program.
- We have helped reunite 40 families through our immigration program.
- Thousands of non-English speaking patients have connected with trained medical interpreters in healthcare settings thanks to our Interpreter ACCESS Project.
- We have recruited and trained over 650 dedicated volunteers this year to serve their community.
This work would not be possible without your support. Thank you.
Would you be willing to make a special year-end donation of $25, $100, $250 or whatever you can to help us better serve immigrant and refugee families? Your generous support will make a lasting impact in the lives of our newest neighbors.
Thank you for your continued encouragement and support. We wish you all the best this holiday season and in the New Year.
With gratitude,
P.S. Check out what CNNC staff say about their favorite memories from this year!